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Saturday, 18 February 2012


The Quiz is a unique chemical education activity. It provides a major focus for secondary school students on the relevance of chemistry in an exciting and stimulating way. Much of the success of the Quiz rests with the teachers who promote and run the Quiz in their schools and the coordinators who help organise the Quiz in their countries.
FOR SCHOOLS APPLICATION FORMS-http://www.ancq.com/attachments/2012_OS_Entry_Form.pdf

2012 Important Dates

  • Entry Information Sent to Schools - February 2012.
  • Entry Form Return Date - Monday 7th May
  • Quiz Papers / Answer Sheets Sent to Schools - May / June 2012
  • Quiz Running Date - Thursday 26th July
  • Answer Sheet Return Date - Monday 6th August
  • Results Sent to Schools September / October 2012

he Australian National Chemistry Quiz aims to promote interest in and appreciation of the role of chemistry and chemists in our society, and engender a better understanding of the nature and relevance of chemistry amongst students.
We do not see the Quiz as in any way being a nationwide assessment of chemistry knowledge, but rather it is designed to promote Chemistry. As far as possible it is independent of any particular syllabus.
In keeping with this philosophy, all students recieve a Certificate of Participation and we anticipate that 40% of all entrants will receive Certificates of Merit to acknowledge their efforts at Credit, Distinction and High Distinction levels. The top 800 entrants receive a Plaque and entrants who obtain 100% receive a Certificate of Excellence and a plaque.


7,8,9,10,11 AND 12 CLASS

1 comment:

  1. Hi how can we prepare for class 7 quiz. My son is participating in the quiz thus year scheduled on 23rd Aug. It will be really helpful if you can guide. My email id is: rrajeevr@gmail.com
